can i cook frozen pizza in an air fryer 5
can i cook frozen pizza in an air fryer 5

Let’s talk about something that has surely crossed all of our minds at some point: can we cook frozen pizza in an air fryer? We’ve all been in those moments when hunger strikes and we’re left with limited cooking options. So, it’s only natural to wonder if the trusty air fryer can come to our rescue once again. In this article, we’ll explore whether this popular kitchen appliance can handle the challenge of transforming a frozen pizza into a crispy, cheesy delight. So, get ready to uncover the secrets of air fryer pizza perfection!

Can I Cook Frozen Pizza In An Air Fryer?

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What is an air fryer


An air fryer is a popular kitchen appliance that utilizes hot air circulation to cook food, providing a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods. It works by rapidly circulating hot air around the food, creating a crispy exterior while retaining moisture on the inside. This technology mimics the taste and texture of deep-fried food without the need for excessive oil.

How it works

Air fryers consist of a heating element and a fan that work together to circulate hot air around the food. The heating element heats up the air inside the appliance, and the fan distributes the hot air evenly, cooking the food from all angles. The hot air rapidly dehydrates the food’s surface, creating a crispy texture similar to deep-fried food. The circulating hot air also helps to cook the food quickly and evenly.

Benefits of using an air fryer

Using an air fryer has several benefits. Firstly, it cuts down on oil consumption, making it a healthier cooking method. Instead of submerging food in oil, air fryers require only a fraction of the amount, reducing fat content significantly. Additionally, air fryers are incredibly versatile and can cook a wide variety of foods, from crispy fries to juicy chicken wings. They also have a compact size, making them ideal for small kitchens or for those who want to save counter space. Lastly, air fryers are energy efficient, using less electricity than conventional ovens or stovetops.

Frozen pizza and air fryers


Frozen pizzas and air fryers are a match made in culinary heaven. Air fryers can perfectly cook frozen pizzas, providing a crispy crust and melted cheese without the need for lengthy preheating or excessive oil. Whether it’s a thin-crust, thick-crust, or stuffed crust pizza, an air fryer can handle them all.

Cooking time and temperature

Cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer generally requires a slightly shorter cooking time compared to a conventional oven. The hot air circulating around the pizza ensures that it cooks evenly and efficiently. The recommended temperature for cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer typically ranges from 370°F to 400°F (187°C to 204°C).

Crispiness and texture

One of the main advantages of using an air fryer to cook frozen pizza is the ability to achieve a crispy crust. The hot circulating air ensures that the crust becomes golden and crunchy, resembling the texture of a pizza straight from a brick oven. The melted cheese on top is perfectly oozy and delicious, creating a satisfying contrast to the crispy crust.

Preparing the frozen pizza

Selecting the right frozen pizza

When it comes to selecting a frozen pizza for air fryer cooking, there are a few factors to consider. Look for a pizza that is specifically labeled as suitable for air fryers. These pizzas tend to have a thinner crust, which allows for better airflow and faster cooking. Additionally, choose a pizza with your preferred toppings to ensure a delicious final product.

Thawing the frozen pizza

Thawing the frozen pizza is not necessary when cooking it in an air fryer. In fact, cooking the pizza directly from frozen ensures a crispier crust. Air fryers are designed to cook frozen foods efficiently, so there’s no need to spend time thawing the pizza beforehand.

Adding desired toppings

Before cooking the frozen pizza, you can add extra toppings to enhance its flavor. Whether it’s additional cheese, veggies, or your favorite protein, feel free to customize the pizza to your liking. Just be careful not to overload the pizza with too many toppings, as this may affect the cooking process and result in uneven cooking.

Cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer

Preheating the air fryer

Preheating the air fryer is not necessary when cooking frozen pizza. Unlike traditional ovens, air fryers heat up quickly, and the rapid hot air circulation ensures that the pizza cooks evenly from the start.

Placing the frozen pizza in the air fryer

To cook frozen pizza in an air fryer, simply place the pizza directly on the air fryer basket or tray. Make sure not to overlap or stack multiple pizzas, as this may hinder the airflow and result in uneven cooking.

Adjusting cooking time and temperature

The cooking time and temperature may vary depending on the size and thickness of the frozen pizza, as well as the specific air fryer model. It’s essential to follow the instructions provided on the pizza packaging as a general guideline. However, it’s also recommended to monitor the cooking progress and make necessary adjustments based on personal preference.

Flipping the pizza halfway through

To ensure even cooking and a uniformly crispy crust, it’s recommended to flip the pizza halfway through the cooking process. Most air fryers come with a timer, allowing you to set a reminder to flip the pizza at the appropriate time.

Checking for doneness

To check if the pizza is thoroughly cooked, you can use a food thermometer to measure the internal temperature. The recommended temperature for cooked pizza is typically around 165°F (74°C). Additionally, visually inspect the crust to ensure it is golden brown and crispy. If the pizza requires additional cooking time, you can simply adjust the timer and continue cooking until it reaches the desired level of doneness.

Can I Cook Frozen Pizza In An Air Fryer?

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Tips for cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer

Choosing the right air fryer

When selecting an air fryer for cooking frozen pizza, consider factors such as size, wattage, and overall performance. Opt for an air fryer with a large capacity if you plan on cooking multiple pizzas or other foods simultaneously. Additionally, ensure that the air fryer has a temperature control feature to allow for precise cooking.

Using a pizza pan or parchment paper

To prevent the pizza from sticking to the air fryer basket or tray, you can use a pizza pan or parchment paper. These accessories provide a non-stick surface and make it easier to remove the pizza once it’s cooked. However, make sure to adjust the cooking time and temperature accordingly, as using a pan or parchment paper may require slight modifications.

Avoiding overcrowding

To ensure proper air circulation and even cooking, avoid overcrowding the air fryer. Cook one pizza at a time, leaving enough space between the pizza and the sides of the air fryer basket or tray. This allows the hot air to circulate freely, resulting in a crispy and evenly cooked pizza.

Monitoring cooking progress

While the cooking time provided on the pizza packaging serves as a general guideline, it’s crucial to monitor the cooking progress to achieve the desired level of doneness. Check on the pizza periodically and make any necessary adjustments to the cooking time and temperature. This allows you to customize the cooking process according to personal preference, whether you prefer a slightly softer or crispier crust.

Adding extra toppings or seasonings

Feel free to experiment with additional toppings or seasonings to take your frozen pizza to the next level. Whether it’s sprinkling some herbs, drizzling olive oil, or adding a dash of hot sauce, these small additions can enhance the flavors and make the pizza even more enjoyable.

Pros of cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer

Quick and convenient

Cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer is incredibly quick and convenient. The rapid hot air circulation and efficient heating element significantly reduce the cooking time compared to traditional ovens. This makes it an ideal option for busy individuals or those craving a delicious pizza with minimal effort.

Healthier alternative

Using an air fryer to cook frozen pizza is a healthier alternative to traditional deep frying. By eliminating or significantly reducing the amount of oil used, air frying maintains the crispy texture without the excessive fat content. This allows you to indulge in your favorite pizza guilt-free.

Crispy crust

One of the standout features of cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer is the ability to achieve a crispy crust. The hot circulating air ensures that the pizza crust becomes golden brown and crunchy, adding a delightful texture to every bite. Say goodbye to soggy or limp crusts that can often result from other cooking methods.

Even cooking

With the help of hot air circulation, air fryers cook the frozen pizza evenly from all angles. This ensures that each slice receives the same amount of heat, resulting in a uniformly cooked pizza. No more undercooked centers or burnt edges; air fryers provide consistent and reliable results.

Can I Cook Frozen Pizza In An Air Fryer?

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Cons of cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer

Limited size options

One of the limitations of cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer is the size of the appliance. The capacity of air fryers can vary considerably, and larger pizzas may not fit into certain models. It’s essential to check the dimensions and cooking capacity of the air fryer to ensure it can accommodate the size of your desired frozen pizza.

May require trial and error

As with any cooking method, achieving the perfect result may require a bit of trial and error. The cooking time and temperature provided on the pizza packaging are a starting point, but individual preferences and variations in air fryer models may lead to slight adjustments. It may take a couple of attempts to find the ideal combination that yields the desired level of crispiness and doneness.

Potential for uneven cooking

Although air fryers generally provide even cooking, there is a possibility of slight variations. The placement of the pizza and the specific air fryer model can affect the cooking process. To minimize the risk of uneven cooking, it’s important to follow the recommended guidelines for placing the pizza in the air fryer and flipping it halfway through.

Possibility of toppings falling off

Some toppings, especially those with a higher moisture content, may have a tendency to slide off the pizza during the cooking process. This can be a challenge when cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer due to the lack of a pan or dish to contain the toppings. To prevent this, make sure not to overload the pizza with too many toppings, and consider adding them after the pizza is cooked to retain their freshness and integrity.

Other dishes you can cook in an air fryer

Air fryers are incredibly versatile and can be used to cook a wide range of dishes, beyond just frozen pizza. Here are a few examples:

French fries

Air fryers excel at cooking crispy and golden French fries. Simply cut the potatoes into fries, toss them with a little oil and your favorite seasonings, and air fry until they’re perfectly crisp.

Chicken wings

Air fryers are also great for cooking crispy chicken wings, giving them a delightful crunch without the need for excessive oil. Coat the wings in your preferred sauce or seasonings, and air fry until they’re cooked through and crispy.


Air fryers can help you create deliciously roasted vegetables in a fraction of the time. Toss your favorite vegetables with some oil and seasonings, and air fry until they’re tender and slightly caramelized.

Fish fillets

Air fryers are excellent for cooking fish fillets, providing a crispy coating while maintaining the moisture of the fish. Whether it’s breaded or seasoned, air frying ensures that the fillets are cooked evenly and have a delightful crunch.

Baked goods

Air fryers can even be used to bake a variety of goods, such as cookies, brownies, or even mini cakes. The hot air circulation creates a warm and consistent environment for baking, resulting in perfectly cooked treats.

Can I Cook Frozen Pizza In An Air Fryer?

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Additional accessories for air fryers

To expand the capabilities of your air fryer and enhance your cooking experience, consider investing in these additional accessories:

Pizza stone

A pizza stone is a great accessory for achieving an even crispier crust when cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer. The stone absorbs and distributes heat evenly, creating a brick oven-like effect.

Mesh basket

A mesh basket can be useful when cooking delicate foods that may require more ventilation. It allows for better airflow and can prevent smaller items from falling through the air fryer basket.

Grill pan

A grill pan accessory is perfect for achieving those beautiful grill marks and enhancing the flavor of meats, seafood, or vegetables. It can be used in combination with the air fryer or as a standalone accessory.

Baking dish

A baking dish is a versatile accessory that can be used to cook a variety of dishes in an air fryer. Whether it’s a casserole, lasagna, or even a cake, a baking dish provides a convenient alternative for preparing larger meals.

Rotisserie attachment

For those who enjoy rotisserie-style cooking, a rotisserie attachment can be a fantastic accessory for an air fryer. It allows you to cook whole chickens, roasts, or kebabs, giving them a succulent and evenly cooked result.


Cooking frozen pizza in an air fryer is not only possible but also a fantastic way to achieve a crispy crust and even cooking. With the right techniques and adjustments, you can transform a frozen pizza into a delicious, restaurant-quality meal in no time. Whether you’re looking for a quick weeknight dinner or a tasty snack, an air fryer is a versatile kitchen appliance that can help you create a variety of tasty dishes beyond just frozen pizza. So, go ahead and indulge in your favorite frozen pizza with the magic of an air fryer!

Can I Cook Frozen Pizza In An Air Fryer?

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Isabella Torres
Hi, I'm Isabella Torres, the heart and brains behind As an acclaimed chef with a specific passion for air frying, I aim to provide everyone who visits my site with insightful and creative ways to enhance their cooking. My journey in the kitchen started at a young age and eventually led me to culinary school. As I honed my skills, I developed a fascination for air frying - a healthier, yet still delicious approach to preparing meals. Over the years, I've had the honor of receiving several awards which stand as testament to my culinary prowess and specifically, my expertise in the realm of air-frying.