how do you reheat leftovers like pizza in an air fryer
how do you reheat leftovers like pizza in an air fryer

When it comes to reviving the delightful cheesy joy of leftover pizza, the air fryer has emerged as a game-changer in the culinary world. With its ability to heat up your pizza slices to a perfect crispiness while retaining their gooey goodness, it’s no wonder that this innovative kitchen gadget has become a go-to for pizza enthusiasts everywhere. In this article, we will explore the art of reheating pizza in an air fryer and uncover some helpful tips and tricks to ensure that your leftover slices taste just as delectable as they did on pizza night. Get ready to elevate your pizza-reheating game to new heights!

Preparing the Air Fryer for Reheating

Preheat the air fryer

Before reheating your pizza in an air fryer, it’s essential to preheat the appliance. This ensures that the pizza is evenly reheated and retains its crispy texture. To preheat the air fryer, simply turn it on and set the temperature to 350°F. Allow the air fryer to preheat for about three to five minutes.

Assemble the pizza

While the air fryer is preheating, it’s a good time to assemble your pizza. If you have leftover slices, you can arrange them on a plate. If you have a whole or large pizza, you may need to cut it into smaller, more manageable slices. Assembling the pizza beforehand saves time and ensures a smooth reheating process.

Prep the air fryer basket

To prevent the pizza from sticking to the air fryer basket, it’s important to prep it properly. One effective method is to lightly coat the basket with cooking spray or brush it with a thin layer of oil. Alternatively, you can also line the basket with a perforated parchment paper to provide a non-stick surface.

Reheating Process

Set the temperature

Once the air fryer has preheated, it’s time to set the temperature for reheating the pizza. Depending on personal preference, a temperature range of 320°F to 350°F is usually suitable. Remember that higher temperatures may result in a crispier crust, while lower temperatures can yield a softer reheated pizza.

Set the timer

Next, set the timer on the air fryer based on the thickness of the pizza and desired level of crispness. For smaller slices, a reheating time of five to seven minutes is often sufficient. Larger or whole pizzas may require ten to twelve minutes. It’s best to keep an eye on the pizza during reheating and adjust the time as needed.

Reheating small slices

To reheat small pizza slices, simply place them in the air fryer basket. Ensure that the slices are evenly spread out and not overcrowded to allow for proper airflow and even reheating. This will help maintain the crispy texture of the crust.

Reheating large or whole pizza

If you’re reheating a larger or whole pizza, it’s important to follow a slightly different approach. Start by placing the pizza in the air fryer basket but avoid overlapping or crowding the slices. For larger pizzas, it may be necessary to reheat them in batches to ensure proper airflow and even reheating throughout.

Tips for Reheating Pizza in an Air Fryer

Avoid overcrowding

One of the key tips for reheating pizza in an air fryer is to avoid overcrowding. Overcrowding the air fryer basket can result in uneven reheating and a less crispy crust. It’s best to reheat the pizza in small batches, ensuring that there is enough space between each slice for proper airflow.

Use a perforated parchment paper

To prevent the pizza from sticking to the air fryer basket and make cleaning easier, consider using a perforated parchment paper. The holes in the paper allow air to circulate, promoting a crispy texture while preventing the pizza from sticking. Simply cut the parchment paper to fit the air fryer basket and place the pizza on top.

Check for doneness

During the reheating process, it’s important to periodically check the pizza for doneness. Different air fryers may have varying cooking times, and factors such as the thickness of the pizza can affect reheating time. Use a pair of tongs to carefully lift a slice and inspect the crust. If it’s golden brown and crispy, the pizza is ready to be enjoyed.

Avoid excessive oil or butter

While a light coating of oil or butter can enhance the flavor of reheated pizza, it’s important to avoid excessive amounts. Applying too much oil or butter can make the pizza greasy and dampen the crispy texture. Use a brush or spray bottle to lightly coat the crust with oil or butter for a flavorful touch.

Add toppings after reheating

If you want to add additional toppings to your reheated pizza, it’s best to do so after the initial reheating process. Adding toppings beforehand may result in uneven reheating and an excessively moist crust. Simply reheat the pizza first, then remove it from the air fryer and add any desired toppings. Return it to the air fryer for a brief period to allow the toppings to warm up.

Experiment with different temperatures and times

Reheating pizza in an air fryer can involve a bit of trial and error, as different air fryer models and personal preferences can influence the results. It’s advisable to experiment with different temperatures and times to find the perfect combination for your taste. Start with the recommended temperature range and adjust the time based on your desired level of crispness.

Alternative Method: Preheating the Pizza

Preheat the pizza on a stovetop

Another alternative method for reheating pizza in an air fryer involves preheating the pizza on a stovetop before transferring it to the air fryer. This method can be useful for thicker pizzas or if you prefer a softer crust. Simply place the pizza in a skillet over medium heat for a few minutes until the crust is warm.

Finish in the air fryer

Once the pizza has been preheated on the stovetop, transfer it to the air fryer to finish the reheating process. This method combines the benefits of a soft, warm crust from the stovetop and the crispy texture from the air fryer. Set the air fryer to a slightly higher temperature than usual to achieve a golden brown crust while retaining the desired level of softness.

Enhancing the Reheated Pizza Experience

Make it crispy

If you prefer an extra crispy crust, there are a few simple tips to achieve this. Before reheating, lightly brush the crust with olive oil or melted butter. This helps to promote browning and crisping during the reheating process. Additionally, you can sprinkle a small amount of grated Parmesan or breadcrumbs on top of the pizza to add a delightful crunch.

Add fresh toppings

To elevate the flavors of your reheated pizza, consider adding fresh toppings after it has been reheated. Finely chopped fresh herbs, such as basil or oregano, can add a burst of freshness. Slices of fresh tomato or avocado can provide a refreshing contrast to the reheated toppings. Get creative and experiment with different combinations to customize your reheated pizza.

Serve with dipping sauces

Dipping sauces are a fun and tasty way to enhance the reheated pizza experience. Classic options such as marinara, ranch, or garlic butter can complement the flavors of the pizza. For a unique twist, try experimenting with homemade dipping sauces like balsamic glaze, spicy sriracha mayo, or creamy pesto.

Accompany with a side dish or salad

To make a wholesome meal out of your reheated pizza, consider serving it with a side dish or fresh salad. A side of garlic bread, a crisp garden salad, or a bowl of tomato soup can add variety and balance to the meal. These accompaniments can help create a well-rounded and satisfying dining experience.

Reheating Other Leftovers in an Air Fryer

French fries

An air fryer is an excellent tool for reheating French fries. To achieve crispy and delicious reheated fries, preheat the air fryer to 400°F. Spread the fries evenly in the basket, ensuring they are not overcrowded. Reheat for about five minutes, shaking the basket halfway through to promote even heating.

Chicken wings

Reheating chicken wings in an air fryer can help retain their crispy exterior and juicy interior. Preheat the air fryer to 400°F and place the wings in a single layer in the basket. Reheat for about five to seven minutes, or until the wings are warmed through. For an extra touch of crispiness, brush the wings with a light coating of sauce before reheating.

Mozzarella sticks

To reheat mozzarella sticks in an air fryer, preheat the appliance to 375°F. Arrange the mozzarella sticks in a single layer in the basket, ensuring there is enough space between them. Reheat for about three to four minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the coating is crispy. Serve with marinara sauce or your preferred dipping sauce.

Egg rolls

For reheating egg rolls, preheat the air fryer to 350°F. Place the egg rolls in the basket and reheat for about six to eight minutes, or until they are heated through and the wrapper becomes crispy. Occasionally flipping the egg rolls during reheating can promote even heating. Serve with sweet and sour sauce or soy sauce for dipping.

Other fried foods

An air fryer is a versatile appliance for reheating various fried foods such as onion rings, chicken tenders, or even falafels. Preheat the air fryer to the recommended temperature for each specific food item. Arrange the food in a single layer in the basket, ensuring they are not overcrowded. Reheat for the recommended time, flipping or shaking the basket as needed for even reheating.

Benefits of Reheating Pizza in an Air Fryer

Retains crispy texture

One of the significant benefits of reheating pizza in an air fryer is that it helps retain the crispy texture of the crust. The hot circulating air in the air fryer promotes even heating and crisping, resulting in a delightful crunch that closely resembles freshly baked pizza.

Preserves flavors

Reheating pizza in an air fryer preserves the flavors of the toppings and crust. Unlike microwaving, which can sometimes make the crust soggy and the toppings lose their texture, the air fryer’s dry heat ensures that the flavors remain intact. This allows you to enjoy the pizza as if it were freshly made.

Reduces the use of oil

Compared to traditional reheating methods such as using an oven or stovetop, an air fryer requires minimal oil or, in some cases, no additional oil at all. By using the hot circulating air, the air fryer can achieve a crispy texture without the need for excessive oil, making it a healthier option for reheating pizza.

Faster reheating compared to an oven

Reheating pizza in an air fryer is generally faster compared to using a conventional oven. The air fryer’s compact size and rapid heating technology allow it to reach the desired temperature quickly, resulting in a shorter reheating time. It’s a convenient option for when you’re craving a quick and delicious meal.

Versatility for other foods

In addition to reheating pizza, an air fryer offers versatility for reheating other foods. From French fries to chicken wings, the air fryer can deliver crispy and evenly reheated results. Its ability to handle a variety of foods makes it a valuable kitchen appliance for quickly reviving leftovers.

Potential Drawbacks of Reheating Pizza in an Air Fryer

Possible drying out

One potential drawback of reheating pizza in an air fryer is the risk of drying out. Due to the hot circulating air, there is a chance that the pizza’s toppings and crust may become dry if left in the air fryer for too long or at too high a temperature. It’s essential to monitor the reheating process and remove the pizza once it reaches the desired level of crispness.

May not fully revive a stale pizza

While an air fryer can work wonders in reheating leftover pizza, it may not fully revive a stale pizza. If the pizza has been stored for an extended period or has lost much of its original texture, reheating it in an air fryer may not fully restore its former glory. However, it can still make the pizza enjoyable and bring back some of its flavors.

Requires experimentation with time and temperature settings

Since air fryers can vary in terms of temperature accuracy and cooking speeds, reheating pizza may require some experimentation with time and temperature settings. The recommended guidelines serve as a starting point, but it’s essential to adjust them based on your specific air fryer and personal preferences. Keep an eye on the pizza during reheating and make adjustments as needed.

May not work well with thick or heavily loaded pizzas

While an air fryer is suitable for reheating most types of pizza, it may not work as effectively for thick or heavily loaded pizzas. The hot circulating air may not penetrate and reheat the thick dough as evenly, resulting in uneven reheating and a less desirable texture. For such pizzas, alternative methods like preheating on a stovetop before transferring to the air fryer may yield better results.

How to Store Leftover Pizza Properly

Allow the pizza to cool

Before storing leftover pizza, it’s crucial to allow it to cool completely. Placing hot pizza in airtight containers or the refrigerator can create moisture, which may affect the texture and taste. Giving the pizza time to cool down helps maintain its crispiness and prevents it from becoming overly moist.

Wrap the pizza slices

To prevent the pizza slices from drying out or becoming stale, it’s best to wrap each slice individually. Use plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or beeswax wraps to tightly wrap each slice. This helps to preserve the freshness and flavor of the pizza when reheating it later.

Store in an airtight container

After wrapping the pizza slices, store them in an airtight container. A plastic storage container with a tight-fitting lid or a freezer bag can help prevent air and moisture from reaching the pizza, keeping it fresh for a longer period. Label the container with the date to ensure you consume the pizza within a reasonable time frame.

Refrigerating vs. freezing leftover pizza

When it comes to storing leftover pizza, there is a choice between refrigerating or freezing. Refrigerating the pizza is suitable for short-term storage, and it can be kept for up to three to four days. Freezing, on the other hand, allows for long-term storage, and the pizza can be stored for several weeks. Consider your consumption timeline and storage capacity when deciding between refrigerating or freezing leftover pizza.


Reheating pizza in an air fryer is a convenient and efficient way to revive leftover slices or a whole pizza. By preheating the air fryer, setting the appropriate temperature and timing, and following some helpful tips, you can enjoy a reheated pizza that retains its crispy texture and delicious flavors.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different temperatures and times to find the perfect combination for your taste. Additionally, consider enhancing your reheated pizza experience by making it crispy, adding fresh toppings, serving it with dipping sauces, or pairing it with a side dish or salad.

While reheating pizza in an air fryer offers numerous benefits such as preserving flavors, retaining crispiness, and reducing the use of oil, it’s important to consider potential drawbacks. Watch for possible drying out or the inability to fully revive a stale pizza. It’s also essential to find the right time and temperature settings for your specific air fryer.

Properly storing leftover pizza by allowing it to cool, wrapping individual slices, and using airtight containers can help maintain its quality. Whether you choose to refrigerate or freeze leftover pizza depends on your needs and timeline.

In conclusion, an air fryer is a versatile tool for reheating not only pizza but also a variety of other leftovers. Its ability to deliver crispy results, preserve flavors, and provide faster reheating times makes it a valuable addition to any kitchen. So go ahead, enjoy your reheated pizza, and savor the deliciousness all over again!

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Isabella Torres
Hi, I'm Isabella Torres, the heart and brains behind As an acclaimed chef with a specific passion for air frying, I aim to provide everyone who visits my site with insightful and creative ways to enhance their cooking. My journey in the kitchen started at a young age and eventually led me to culinary school. As I honed my skills, I developed a fascination for air frying - a healthier, yet still delicious approach to preparing meals. Over the years, I've had the honor of receiving several awards which stand as testament to my culinary prowess and specifically, my expertise in the realm of air-frying.