what should you not cook in an air fryer
what should you not cook in an air fryer

Let’s talk about the do’s and don’ts of air fryers, specifically focusing on what you should avoid cooking in these modern kitchen appliances. Air fryers have gained immense popularity due to their ability to crisp up food without the need for excessive oil, making them a healthier alternative to traditional frying. However, while they excel at producing crispy fries and juicy chicken wings, there are certain foods that are not meant to grace the inside of an air fryer. In this article, we will guide you through the foods that should be kept far, far away from your trusty air fryer to ensure the best results and avoid any culinary mishaps.



When it comes to cooking steaks, especially larger cuts, using an air fryer may not be the best choice. While an air fryer can produce a perfectly cooked steak with a crispy exterior, it may struggle with larger cuts that require longer cooking times. The limited space in an air fryer can prevent the steak from cooking evenly and result in an undercooked or overcooked center. For the best results, it is recommended to stick to grilling or using a traditional oven for cooking steaks.

Whole Chickens

While an air fryer can cook chicken wings and drumsticks to perfection, whole chickens are another story. Due to the size of a whole chicken, it may be difficult for an air fryer to cook it evenly. The risk of undercooking the chicken in some areas while overcooking it in others is high. Additionally, the air fryer may not be able to accommodate a whole chicken, and if it does, it may take a substantially longer time to cook compared to other cooking methods. It’s best to opt for alternative methods such as roasting or grilling when it comes to cooking a whole chicken.

Large Cuts of Pork or Beef

Similar to steaks, large cuts of pork or beef may not be the ideal choice for cooking in an air fryer. These cuts require longer cooking times to reach the desired level of doneness, and the limited space in an air fryer can hinder the even cooking of the meat. The result may be an unevenly cooked piece of meat, with some portions being undercooked or overcooked. To achieve the best results with large cuts of pork or beef, it is recommended to use a traditional oven or slow cooker.

Batter-coated Foods

Thick Batters

While air fryers are perfect for achieving crispy textures, they may not deliver the best results when it comes to cooking foods with thick batters. The high heat and circulating air in an air fryer may not allow the batter to fully cook through before the exterior becomes overly browned. This can result in a doughy or undercooked interior. It is best to reserve thick batters, such as those used for deep-fried foods like onion rings or tempura, for traditional deep frying methods.

Light Batters

On the other hand, air fryers can be great for cooking foods with light batters. Light batters, such as those used for fried chicken or fish, can turn out crispy and delicious in an air fryer. The hot air circulating around the food helps to achieve that coveted crunch without the need for excessive oil. So, if you’re craving some crispy fried chicken, the air fryer can be your best friend.

Crispy or Crunchy Coatings

Foods with crispy or crunchy coatings, such as breaded chicken wings or fish fillets, can also be successfully cooked in an air fryer. The air fryer helps to achieve that desirable golden-brown exterior without the need for excessive oil. The result is a healthier version of your favorite fried foods that retains that satisfying crunch.

Fresh Vegetables

Leafy Greens

Air fryers can be a versatile tool for cooking fresh vegetables, but it’s important to choose the right ones. Leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, may not be the best fit for an air fryer. Due to their delicate nature, leafy greens can quickly become wilted and overcooked in the high heat of an air fryer. It’s best to stick to other cooking methods, such as steaming or sautéing, for these types of vegetables.

Watery Vegetables

On the other hand, air fryers can be a great option for cooking watery vegetables, such as zucchini or bell peppers. The high heat of the air fryer helps to quickly evaporate any excess moisture, resulting in perfectly roasted and flavorful vegetables. Just make sure to cut the vegetables into evenly-sized pieces to ensure even cooking.

High-Moisture Foods


Air fryers may not be the go-to option for cooking fruits. While fruits like apples or pears can be baked or roasted in an air fryer, their high sugar content can cause them to release a lot of moisture during cooking. This can lead to a soggy texture instead of the desired crispiness. For fruit-based desserts, it’s best to stick to traditional methods such as baking or grilling.

Casseroles and Stews

Air fryers are not the ideal choice for cooking casseroles or stews. These dishes often require longer cooking times and benefit from slow cooking to develop flavors and tenderize the ingredients. The limited space in an air fryer may also prevent you from cooking a sufficient amount of food. For hearty and comforting dishes like casseroles and stews, it’s best to use a slow cooker or the stovetop.

Delicate Foods

Fish Fillets

Air fryers can be a great option for cooking fish fillets. The quick and hot air circulation helps to achieve a crispy exterior while keeping the fish moist and tender on the inside. Whether you’re craving breaded fish fillets or a simple seasoned fillet, the air fryer can help you achieve perfectly cooked fish in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods.

Soft Cheeses

Soft cheeses, such as brie or camembert, are not the best choice for cooking in an air fryer. The high heat can cause the cheese to melt and spread excessively, resulting in a messy and difficult-to-handle dish. Soft cheeses are best enjoyed in their natural state, either on a cheese platter or melted gently in the oven.

Cheesy Dishes


While you can certainly cook lasagna in an air fryer, it may not deliver the same results as traditional methods. The limited space in an air fryer may prevent you from cooking a full-sized lasagna, and even if you manage to do so, the even cooking may be a challenge. The layering and baking process of lasagna is best suited for a regular oven where the heat can evenly circulate and cook the dish to perfection.

Mac and Cheese

On the other hand, making mac and cheese in an air fryer can result in a deliciously crispy and cheesy dish. By adding a breadcrumb or cheese topping before air frying, you can achieve a golden-brown crust that adds a delightful crunch to your mac and cheese. Just make sure the dish fits inside the air fryer and adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Raw Dough

Pizza Dough

Air fryers can be a fun and quick way to achieve a crispy pizza crust. Preparing and par-baking the pizza dough in the air fryer before adding your desired toppings can result in a perfectly crisp base that holds up well to the toppings. Just make sure to monitor the cooking time closely, as the high heat of the air fryer can quickly brown the crust.

Cookie Dough

Air fryers can also be used to bake cookies, but it’s important to be mindful of the cooking time and temperature. The small space and high heat in an air fryer can cause cookies to brown and cook much faster than in a traditional oven. Adjusting the temperature and cooking time are key to achieving perfectly baked cookies. It may require some experimentation to find the right settings for your favorite cookie recipes.

Liquid-based Dishes


While air fryers are not designed for cooking liquid-based dishes like soups, they can be used to achieve some delicious soup-related creations. For example, you can cook crispy croutons or breaded cheese sticks to accompany your soups. These additions can add an extra dimension of flavor and texture to your soup without compromising the dish’s overall integrity.


Air fryers can be a great tool for reducing and thickening sauces. The hot air circulating around the sauce helps to evaporate excess moisture and concentrate the flavors. This can result in a richer and more flavorful sauce. Just make sure to monitor the sauce closely to prevent it from over-reducing or burning.

Foods with Excessive Seasonings

Spicy Foods

Air fryers can be a fantastic option for cooking spicy foods. The high heat helps to develop and intensify the flavors of spices, resulting in a bold and delicious dish. Whether you’re cooking spicy chicken wings or a flavorful curry, the air fryer can be your ally in creating mouthwatering and spicy meals.

Extra Salty Foods

When it comes to foods with excessive saltiness, such as heavily marinated or brined dishes, the air fryer can help balance out the flavors. The hot air circulation can help to dry out some of the excess salt, resulting in a more balanced and palatable dish. However, it’s important to note that this method may not completely eliminate excessive saltiness, so it’s best to be mindful of the amount of salt used in the cooking process.

Breaded Foods

Breaded Chicken Wings

Air fryers excel at cooking breaded foods like chicken wings. The high heat and circulating air help to achieve a crispy and golden-brown exterior without the need for excessive oil. Whether you prefer classic buffalo wings or a sweet and sticky glaze, the air fryer can help you create finger-licking delicious wings.

Breaded Fish Fillets

Similar to chicken wings, breaded fish fillets can turn out perfectly crisp and flavorful when cooked in an air fryer. The hot air circulation ensures even cooking and a delightful crunch, making it an ideal choice for those craving fish and chips without the guilt. Serve with some tartar sauce and a squeeze of lemon for a delicious meal.

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Isabella Torres
Hi, I'm Isabella Torres, the heart and brains behind https://circaairfryer.com. As an acclaimed chef with a specific passion for air frying, I aim to provide everyone who visits my site with insightful and creative ways to enhance their cooking. My journey in the kitchen started at a young age and eventually led me to culinary school. As I honed my skills, I developed a fascination for air frying - a healthier, yet still delicious approach to preparing meals. Over the years, I've had the honor of receiving several awards which stand as testament to my culinary prowess and specifically, my expertise in the realm of air-frying.